Q4/2024 Women Writing HerStory


Dear Readers,

At Ziva Voices – HerStory in the Making, our mission is clear: we are here to create visibility for women—because historically, we’ve been overlooked, underrepresented, and often made invisible. We know that when women see other women in powerful roles, whether in leadership, business, or community influence, it sparks change. It’s a critical shift that dismantles the biases still holding us back today.

Why is this important?
Because women need more examples—not just current, visible role models but also the women from history who paved the way and those who are breaking ground right now, often quietly.

And that’s where you come in.

Be a Maker of History

Our goal is bold but necessary: to amplify 1 million women by 2030. This isn’t just about raising voices—it’s about rewriting history, one story at a time.

You have the power to be both a contributor and a storyteller. Not only can you be one of the 1 million women in our movement, but you can also shine a light on another woman whose story deserves to be told.

We want you to share a story of a woman that should be amplified.

Who is she?

Who has been that quiet inspiration in your life? The woman you’ve secretly admired or openly looked up to. Is she a changemaker in her community? Has she launched a unique business or taken a career path that inspired you? Perhaps her ability to balance family life, or her bold choices in leadership have motivated you in ways she might not even know.

It’s time to tell her story.

The world needs to hear about her—about her exceptionalism, her challenges, and her triumphs. What makes her special? How has she become the woman she is today, and what impact is she making in the world?

Whether it’s a mother, a mentor, a friend, or a public figure, this is your opportunity to give voice to the women who inspire us to dream, act, and lead by writing about her for our Q4 Ziva Voices “bookazine.”

The deadline for submissions is November 15th, and we’re calling on you to join this movement. Let’s amplify women’s stories together and ensure they’re written into history where they belong.

🔍 Submission Guidelines:

  • Word Count: 800 – 1500 words
  • Submissions Deadline: September 10th
  • Upload your draft here and fill out the form (Submissions can’t be accepted without the form).
  • Subject Line: “Ziva Voices Q4/2024 Submission: Women writing HerStory
  • Make sure to add your full name to your document title for example: How I overcome my fear of speaking publicly_HannahHannover

🌟 Why Contribute?

  • Amplify your voice and story on a global platform.
  • Connect with a community of like-minded writers and change-makers.
  • Empower individuals to overcome their speaking barriers and catalyze change.
  • Become a registered writer (every writer gets registered under the ISBN number and receives up to 5 backlinks to their personal pages)

Don’t miss the chance to be a part of a magazine that celebrates the power of voices and stories. Let your words leave an indelible impact! 🚀

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