Empowering Women Through Coding


by Ntswaki Motaung and Nyari Samushonga

For decades, coding has been considered an art primarily associated with men. However, in recent years, many organizations have started addressing the issue of women’s underrepresentation in the tech industry. We are now witnessing a slow but steady decrease in this underrepresentation as women are taking up leadership positions in tech and more young women are showing interest in software engineering and programming.

WeThinkCode is a leading software development academy focused on training underserved youth in tech skills that will see them acquiring a certification in software engineering. Their zero-tuition model eliminates financial barriers and encourages aspiring technologists, including women, to pursue their passion for coding.

One particular organisation that has been in the forefront of this topic is WeThinkCode. WeThinkCode is a leading software development academy focused on training underserved youth in tech skills that will see them acquiring a certification in software engineering. Their zero-tuition model eliminates financial barriers and encourages aspiring technologists, including women, to pursue their passion for coding.

Based in South Africa, WeThinkCode has 3 main campuses in Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town. The institution has begun a TVET pilot programme to expand its reach to more young people in townships. The aim is to give them access to digital skills that might otherwise be unavailable to them and also seeks to encourage women to code and create a more inclusive community.

WeThinkCode, established in 2015, has always advocated for gender inclusivity. Their 16-month training program has produced over 1000 graduates, and the number of women graduating has increased year on year. By collaborating with public and private partners to identify and train exceptional African digital talent, students are afforded the opportunity to work with some of the top tech companies in the industry, thereby creating a significant economic impact in their lives.

“Our theory of change is centred on the belief that if we recruit for aptitude using micro-credentials we can tap into a more inclusive pool of talent to train and give fair access to quality education and sustainable jobs. Lowering the barrier to entry by disregarding traditional means of recruitment means we can access a diverse cohort representative of the population economically and demographically,” says Nyari Samushonga, WeThinkCode founder.

At its core, WeThinkCode understands that diversity is not just a buzzword, but a cornerstone of innovation and progress in the tech sector. By embracing diverse perspectives, experiences, and ideas, the organization is fostering a vibrant tech ecosystem where women play a pivotal role in driving positive change. As we celebrate the achievements of women in tech, let us not just count the number of female students walking through the door but acknowledge the profound impact that representation has on shaping the aspirations of future generations of female leaders in technology.

There are several compelling reasons that women should consider entering the software development world, each of which underscores the importance of their participation in this rapidly evolving industry:

Economic Empowerment: Software development offers lucrative career opportunities with high earning potential. By entering the field, women can access well-paying jobs that provide financial independence and stability, ultimately closing the gender wage gap and contributing to their economic empowerment.

Innovation and Creativity: Software development is a dynamic and creative field that thrives on innovation. Women bring unique perspectives, problem-solving approaches, and creative insights to the table, enriching the industry and driving technological advancements forward.

Career Growth and Advancement: The demand for skilled software developers continues to grow rapidly, creating abundant opportunities for career growth and advancement. Women who enter the field can pursue diverse career paths, from software engineering and web development to data science and cybersecurity, with ample opportunities for skill development and upward mobility.

Representation and Diversity: By entering the field, women can help diversify the workforce, challenge stereotypes, and pave the way for future generations of female technologists. Their presence not only fosters a more inclusive and equitable work environment but also leads to better decision-making and innovation.

Empowerment and Agency: By mastering coding skills and participating in software development projects, women gain a sense of empowerment and agency over technology. They can build and create solutions that address their own needs and interests, whether it’s developing apps, launching startups, or contributing to open-source projects that promote social good.

We hope to encourage more women to consider entering the software development field, because it empowers women to shape the future of technology. By actively participating in software development, women can contribute their talents, skills, and perspectives to an industry that is shaping the world we live in today and tomorrow.

About Nyari

Nyari Samushonga is the CEO of WeThinkCode, a South African tech academy that operates in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. As an Entrepreneur and Tech Executive, Nyari is passionate about seeing Africa take its place as a maker of cutting-edge technology.

In her role as CEO of WeThinkCode_ she has driven effective initiatives to scale the impact of the organisation with an emphasis on building an inclusive tech sector.


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