By Queen Mother Osunnike Anke
…Why NOW…
Humanity has forgotten who we are, and the primordial womb that we have originated from. As a result, we have become fragmented, disconnected, lost, angry orphans; victims of a collective amnesia who now violate, pollute, desecrate, and violently rape the holy womb of our Earth Mother and her daughters who gave us LIFE.
…What NOW…
You see our universe is undergoing an Evolutionary and Planetary shift and we’re in a time of major transition, and the momentum is building across the world to consciously “Rebirth a New World”. So, WE can RISE!!!
…Why Me…
This Sacred Knowing is what has guided me over the past 30 years in remembering, reawakening, and reigniting the seeds of The Sacred Sexual Feminine Mysteries that are sheathed within my womb, and many wombs around the world.
And several years ago, I was called to birth One Million Wombs United. A “critical mass” which through the process of conscious sacred sound frequencies, entrainment and coherence can affect universal resonance, and harmony for the “Rebirthing” of our world and beyond.
…Why You….
Sister, do you really know what it means to be a womban? One who gives birth to All of humanity? The sacred calabash that holds the feminine vibration of and for creation within the sanctity of your mysterious womb. Sister it is you who is the Transmutational Alchemical container, which holds the life giving and sustaining nectar that nourished and gave birth to the Creator some have come to know as God.
Do you Remember who and what you were and where you were 10 billion trillion lifetimes ago? Do you Remember your second dimensional self-45 million years ago as one of the aboriginal vibratory beams of molecular and atomic sounds rays and bands of light that formed the energetic grids spanning across the continents linking the north and south poles to the earth’s axis, anchored deep down within the womb of the Earth Mother whose breath still sustains life for all living beings today? Or do you really believe you just showed up 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 years ago?
Do you have any conscious knowing of how many dimensions you have existed within prior to being a third dimensional being and what other universes you’ve traversed and why you chose to incarnate within this universe and on this planet as a womban this time? Sister, my dear sister, do you really want to Remember who you are and why you are here this time?
Are you willing to Reawaken the dormant ancient wisdom embedded within the recesses of your WOMB?
…Your Story…
What if this role you are playing is just that
Imagine my sister that you are really a part of a much bigger story, the cosmic story with a much greater role. Perhaps the bigger cosmic story that you are starring in, auditioned, and rehearsed for is a part of Humanities story… and what if you are actually playing the role of Source/God… manifested in the form of YOU… but you forgot the real story.
Locked within your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical body lives and breathes your individual and collective leading or supporting role and academy award winning Unconscious Storyline. This Limited view of your Infinite Source Potential, Creative Life Force Energy and Abundant Self-worth and value is what you have written, performed in, directed, and produced on the life stage lifetime after lifetime.
As you journey deeper into the portal of your own ancient wisdom and your divine herstory, you will begin Rewriting your life story from the Inside Out… Like the butterfly, as you begin to Rewrite your true story from the inside out, and share these stories, it empowers other women to take control of their own narratives and in turn Evolve their lives. My sister it’s time to look beyond the veil of illusion and the old stories you’ve been hiding under.
During this Earthy Ascension, “it’s time” my sisters as Consciously Evolving Empowered Women to Remember, Rediscover, Reawaken, Reconnect and Reembody your hidden Sacred Feminine Powerful Treasures, which are your inherent birthright, deeply embedded within your WOMB and FLY…
…Remember Who YOU Are…
Do you have an innate longing to remember your divinity and original feminine greatness? Oh, my dear sister, it's time to remember..
- YOU are the Sacred Feminine keeper of the ancient wisdom of the goddess…
- YOU hold the archetypal Creatrix, Nurturer and Transformer seeds within your sacred womb to birth a NEW world…
- The luminous mystery and magic that radiates within the temple of your sacred womb and gives birth to your highest potential and empowers your deepest desires…
…Rediscover Who YOU Are…
Are you longing to rediscover and actualize your purpose in this lifetime? Oh, my dear sister it’s time to rediscover…
- How to tap into your feminine radiance, and passionately co-create and manifest the highest octave of YOU…
- What your unique gifts are so that you can offer them effortlessly and have greater impact and influence in the world from the inside out…
- Ancient sacred principles, rituals, and practices to heal and liberate your womb so you can unleash and ignite bound up creativity…
Are you living a life where your sense of true worth has been compromised, undermined, unrecognized and dishonored by you and those close to you? Oh, my dear sister, it's time to reawaken…
- Your intrinsic value, which is deeply rooted within sacred universal feminine principles…
- The queenly inheritance that is your birthright encased within your sacred feminine womb…
- To your erotic impulse and rise into the shining star that you are destined to become…
Are you feeling boxed in, displaced and out of sync with life and the boxes that you find yourself stuck in? Oh, my dear sister, it's time to reconnect…
- Into a sacred feminine community of like minded women where you have a deeper and greater sense of belonging, support, and communion…
- To a sacred feminine blueprint designed to bring you into Alignment with the natural cycles of the universe where you can manifest YOUR Absolute Truth with grace and ease NOW…
Now is the time for conscious EVOLUTION because Global Evolution begins with Personal Revolution. Let us Begin with the End in Mind and write and Re-embody a New story that gives birth to a New world.
As a Sacred Feminine being are you feeling inauthentic and confused about what it means to be a “real woman” in this day and time? Oh, my dear sister NOW is the time to re-embody….
- Your own unique style of Goddess energy and live it without apology.
- Your feminine radiance and allow it to illuminate and manifest your hidden treasures.
- Your Sacred Feminine magic effortlessly, which allows you to move into your authentic wisdom while bathing in endless Self-love.
Queen Mother Osunnike is the founder of the “Healing Through the Arts” program.
She is a natural healer who utilizes her poetry, performing arts and creative writing gifts, training in psycho-spiritual counseling, drama therapy, energy, and sound healing to assist others in rewriting their story.