Brittany Strube


Brittany represents the latest in a long lineage of educators. Her journey began with teaching at a Title 1 elementary school, but it was the 2017 Kentucky teacher strikes that prompted her to reevaluate her career path. Brittany made a pivotal shift, transitioning into the realm of Ed Tech. Amidst the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, she earned her Master’s Degree in Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning from Boise State University while working full time as an education consultant for KET, Kentucky’s local PBS affiliate.

Brittany has served the League of Women Voters as Communications Chair and Technology Trainer. She now serves Anthology, a leading Education Technology company, as a Senior Education & Training Specialist. In her leisure time, Brittany teaches yoga in the Living Arts and Science Center’s planetarium, enjoys walks with her dog Stella, and indulges her love for travel.

Learn more about Brittany here:

Where is home for you? City/Province, State, Country

Lexington, Kentucky but Britanny was born and raised in Connecticut

If you are an entrepreneur, what motivated you to start your own business?

Brittany views success a lot like a ladder. Wonderful mentors, friends, and yoga teachers have helped her grow and climb. Starting her yoga business is her way of turning around and helping others.

What is your mantra or favorite saying? (If it's a known quote, please let us know who said it first!)

“Education is the most powerful weapon in which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you were first starting out?

She prioritizes her well-being loudly and unapologetically. The way she serve and the things she was able to accomplish when she have taken care of her needs first is far superior to anything she create from a deficit.

What does women's empowerment look like to you in action?

Brittany often tell her friend’s that their success is her success and her success is their success.

What would you tell 19-year-old YOU?

Be your own stability.

What will 86-year-old you want you to know TODAY?

I think about this version of myself a lot. In everything I do I aim to make my younger and older self proud. I’ve always felt mature for my age, but the older I get the the younger I feel so I fully anticipate my 86-year-old self to tell me to play more.

What's a book title or podcast that you have loved in the past year or so?

Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard and The Andrew Huberman Podcast

Learn more about Brittany here:

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