Corene is a Native Washingtonian who traded a successful career in luxury real estate traded for entrepreneurship, investing and personal development. She is obsessed with combining the power of peak performance, intuition & purpose to harness untapped potential. Her mission is to help others tap into the power of the subconscious and unlock new levels of wealth, success & freedom.
Learn more about Corene here:
To create a meaningful impact in the world
The ability to live in my purpose, live a high flow life and have the freedom to travel and spend time with loved ones
My potential is limitless, and I choose where to spend my energy
A failed business partnership. Taught me the importance of reverse engineering in case of seperation, to only partner with someone who’s strengths are my weakness.
The Art of Impossible
How to instantly regulate your nervous system to deescalate stress and to be able to respond rather than react. This is a super power for all high performers but avaiable to everyone and is a game changer.
Focused on enjoying the process and learning from set backs.
Being an agent of change for women and always working to make other women feel welcome, and supported
There are no rules for success other than staying true to your core values. It always works out
a massage a trip around the world non-profit that gives out generous grant to women