Kate Tolson


Kate Tolson is a subconscious expert and transformational hypnotherapist dedicated to empowering women to unlock their potential and navigate life’s challenges. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in RTT hypnotherapy, somatic exploration, and subconscious coaching to help women evolve their perspectives and restore their power. Kate’s holistic approach enables women to rewrite their life narratives, embracing their innate wisdom and strength.

Learn more about Kate here:

Where is home for you? City/Province, State, Country

Nottingham, England

Please tell us about anything you’re currently working on and how our network might be able to help you.

Kate is currently developing a self-led course for individuals to understand the layers of consciousness within the mind in order to understand and evolve everyday problems for better outcomes.

Please tell us about anything you’re currently working on and how our network might be able to help you.

Kate is currently developing a self-led course for individuals to understand the layers of consciousness within the mind in order to understand and evolve everyday problems for better outcomes.

As a part of our network, what are some ways (big or small) that you might be able to help other women?

Personalised one-to-one support with professional and life problems rooted in unconscious fears and subconscious behaviours.

Speaking and sharing knowledge.

If you are an entrepreneur/self-employed, what motivated you to start your own business?

Kate has have been self employed for 21 years, she finds self employment enable her to operate outside of ‘subconscious tribal structures’ and tap into creativity and innovation of thinking and practice.

What is your mantra or favorite saying? (If it's a known quote, please let us know who said it first!)

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it Fate.” —Carl Jung

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you were first starting out?

She definitely had a sense of having to over-prove myself at the beginning, to somehow justify to those around me why she would leave a promising career in a FTSE100 company.

If it was now she would care less about what others think, and instead focus entirely on creating the work that felt like purpose.

What does women's empowerment look like to you in action?

Trusting inner guidance and expressing women’s innate wisdom and creativity.

What would you tell 19-year-old YOU?

I would tell 19 year old Kate that she wasn’t bad or not enough, but that she was traumatised. I would love to have taught her about the levels of mind that operate to keep us safe so that she could understand herself and others.

What will 86-year-old you want you to know TODAY?

You have time, enjoy the time with the kids before they fly the nest!

What's a book title or podcast that you have loved in the past year or so?

Richard Schwartz, No Bad Parts

Learn more about Kate here:

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