Mimi Jerkan


Mimi has over 15 years of experience in Human Resources (multiple roles) and 13 years of Process Improvement as a senior HR strategist working with SMB and Enterprise organizations providing guidance to startups, growth, and stabilized organizations.

Mimi has worked with organizations to transform talent management, to bridge organizational gaps, recommend new processes, develop training and communication strategies all while also evaluating innovative tools and solutions that deliver the apps, analytics, & experiences to empower leadership and HR teams in creatin employee engagement and branding to meet their business goals and objectives in revenue, cost, and risk.

Learn more about Mimi here:

What has been our greatest & favorite achievement so far and why?

Raising two independent, social and civil minded individuals.

If you are an entrepreneur, what motivated you to start your own business?

Being laid off after 15 years in tech.

What does success mean to you?

Experiencing meaningful progress no matter how great or small.

What is your mantra or favorite saying? (If it's a known quote, please let us know who said it first!)

Mimi’s mantra is “Don’t major in minor”.

What failure taught you the most about life or business? What was the lesson?

Everything is ephemeral.

What's your favorite book - fiction or non-fiction! - in the past year?

Mimi’s favorite book, The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you were first starting out?

Find myself a mentor.

What does women's empowerment look like to you in action?

Creating equal opportunities and representation in employment, education, and politics.

What would you tell 19-year-old YOU?

Become your greatest champion not worst critic.

What will 86-year-old you want you to know TODAY?

Enjoy life.

Does anyone call you by a nickname? What is it?

Yes. It’s Mimi. (LOL)

What is your favorite place for our audience to reach you?

Virtual coffee cafe!! Mimi loves coffee chats over the phone or online meeting link.

What is your favorite quote? (It can be yours or from someone that you look up to.)

If you want to be sad, live in the past. If you want to be anxious, live in the future. If you want to be peaceful, live in the NOW.

Learn more about Mimi here:

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