Stephanie Groot


Stephanie is a curious, creative problem solver drawn to complex and ambiguous challenges. From software betas to boardrooms,

She is your enthusiastic button-pusher, always giving honest feedback to pave the way for progress.  She has 15+ years of product management expertise in the US and EMEA for B2B and B2B2C customers for AI/ML, PAAS, SAAS, and mobile apps.

Building brilliant leaders is her forte. She ignites potential, helping individuals and teams unleash their best selves. Where she leads, trusts and transparency thrives.

Learn more about Stephanie here:

Where is home for you? City/Province, State, Country

Potomac Falls, Virginia, USA

What is your mantra or favorite saying? (If it's a known quote, please let us know who said it first!)

Everyday (it’s not only the word; it’s how you say it)

What's a book title or podcast that you have loved in the past year or so?

Unmasking AI by Dr. Joy Buolawmini

Learn more about Stephanie here:

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