Heather Wolfson


Heather Wolfson is the CEO and Lead Strategist of Maven Leadership Consulting. She believes that organizations have the power to build a healthier, more resilient ecosystem through intentional intervention at all levels. Her work is accomplished through scalable training, 1:1 coaching, strategic consulting and customized resources that identify and leverage emerging leaders and teams.

With a passion for supporting emerging leaders and a background in making a sustained impact, Heather brings nearly 20 years of senior-level leadership, strategy development and coaching experience to her work.

What does success mean to you?

Success means that I am living deeply rooted in my purpose. My purpose is to leave a legacy of empowerment and empathic leadership through my work and instill those values in my children.

What is your mantra or favorite saying? (If it's a known quote, please let us know who said it first!)

“It is what it is.”

What failure taught you the most about life or business? What was the lesson?

Fail forward–fail, learn from it, and do it again. Where there is failure, there is growth.

What's your favorite book - fiction or non-fiction! - in the past year?

Susie Wise: Design for Belonging: How to Build Inclusion and Collaboration in Your Communities

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you were first starting out?

A dear colleague shared with me “you say yes to go and no to grow.” When I first started Maven, I wish I had this mantra engrained in me. I am leaning into saying no now.

What is your favorite place for our audience to reach you?

Connect with me on LinkedIn!

What is your favorite quote? (It can be yours or from someone that you look up to.)

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?” R. Hillel

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