Welcome to Ziva Voices!


Welcome to Ziva Voices – HerStory in the Making

Ziva Voices is committed to collecting women’s stories, amplifying their voices, and providing a forum to connect women worldwide.  

We highlight how women change communities, benefit the economies in which they work, and lift each other up by fostering diversity and authentic equality. 

The networking effect of the Ziva Voices bookazine, our community and our workshops focuses on promoting women all over the world, and providing them with highly effective and accessible support. 

It is a privilege to welcome you to our community – I trust you will find much to interest you in this edition of Ziva Voices.

HerStory is History.

Women’s voices are almost totally absent from history. What they had to say was either ignored or discounted, and there simply were NO public forums in which women were allowed to participate and have their views recorded. 

This lack of documented history, the invisibility of women in professional domains, and the insufficiency of media support in showcasing the achievements of women makes it difficult for many women to imagine what is actually achievable for them in current times.

Correcting this is not just a matter of better representation and access to policy-making. It is also a matter of creating the space in which stories can be told, knowledge shared, and inspiration and motivation provided. In other words, a forum in which others can see what can be achieved. 

Often all it takes to kickstart this journey to success is having an actual example of it in front of you – to see what is possible.

Ziva Voices offers a forum in which successful women share their experiences, stories and advice…all in a community which supports, uplifts, and opens doors to opportunity for other women. 

We are leaders, we are creators, we are champions of women and their stories.

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HerStory in the Making Campaign

At the heart of Ziva Voices is our commitment to "Equality Through Visibility." We believe that visibility is a key element in creating equality. By shining a bright light on women's stories and achievements, we foster recognition and empowerment, enabling women to thrive and drive social change.